B2B Doc arranged a workshop on the topics of Gender, Ethics, Impact and Outreach during goEast Film Festival in the end of April.
The filmmakers participating were:
Olga Chernykh, Ukraine
Snizhana Gusarevych, Ukraine
Zeynab Isgandarova, Azerbaijan
Anna Mkrtumyan, Armenia
Mariam Nikolaishvili, Georgia
Jana Shostak, Belarus
Ruxanda Spatari, Moldova
Tatsiana Svirepa, Belarus
Helene Yasinskaya, Belarus
Afag Yusifli, Azerbaijan
Invited to Wiesbaden to guide and challenge the filmmakers in their thinking processes were Natalia Imaz, Kenan Aliyev and Yulia Serdyukova. Chloe Genga and Sven Blume joined us on zoom with case studies from their films Softie and For Somebody Else. The workshop was moderated by Viktor Nordenskiöld, Ilja Stenberg and Alex Shiriaieff from B2B Doc.
After three days of workshop the participants attended the symposium “Decolonizing the (Post-) Soviet Screen” arranged by goEast Film Festival with the aim to discuss and apply the concept of decolonization in the context of the (post-)Soviet space including Central Asia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltics, the Caucasus, and the Russian Federation and its autonomous regions. We also took the chance to see great films during the festival, two favourites were We Will Not Fade Away and Motherland, both supported by B2B Doc.